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At line 21 changed 1 line.
This is the situation where the in a direction perpendicular from the surface of the solid body located at a sufficient distance only ATMOSPHERES fluid (there is no solid body). The prerequisite is that the body is an important dimension in height. They are also given weightings for free horizontally placed thin plate.
The movement of the fluid is caused by thermal changes of its density.
At line 25 changed 1 line.
* We calculat Nusselt number (Nu) from calculated ''Gr'' a ''Pr''
* We calculate Nusselt number (Nu) from calculated ''Gr'' a ''Pr''
At line 39 changed 1 line.
''β'' - thermal volume expansion of the liquid at an average temperature between the wall and the liquid ''T''%%sub stř%% = (''T''%%sub Stěny%% + ''T''%%sub Kapaliny%%) / 2\\
''β'' - thermal volume expansion of the liquid at an average temperature between the wall and the liquid ''T''%%sub stř%% = (''T''%%sub Wall%% + ''T''%%sub Fluid%%) / 2\\
At line 42 changed 1 line.
''ΔT'' - the absolute value of the temperature difference between the wall and the liquid: ''ΔT'' = |''T''%%sub Stěny%% - ''T''%%sub Kapaliny%%|.
''ΔT'' - the absolute value of the temperature difference between the wall and the liquid: ''ΔT'' = |''T''%%sub Wall%% - ''T''%%sub Fluid%%|.
At line 48 changed 1 line.
''ν'' - kinematic viscosity of the fluid at an average temperature between the wall and the liquid ''T%%sub stř%%''.\\
''ν'' - kinematic viscosity of the fluid at an average temperature between the wall and the liquid ''T%%sub avg%%''.\\
At line 90 changed 1 line.
''λ'' – is thermal conductivity at an average temperature between the wall and the liquid ''T''%%sub stř%% = (''T''%%sub Stěny%% + ''T''%%sub Kapaliny%%) / 2\\
''λ'' – is thermal conductivity at an average temperature between the wall and the liquid ''T''%%sub stř%% = (''T''%%sub Wall%% + ''T''%%sub Fluid%%) / 2\\
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Tato strana (revision-4) byla změněna 14:17 23.10.2015 uživatelem musallub.