Kdo se směje v pátek, bude plakat v neděli.
-- Racine

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%%(width: 95%; border: 1px solid #ffc9c9; background-color: #fff3f3; padding: 10px;)
__Welcome to the pages of %%(color:red) PowerWiki%% server dedicated to Electrical power engineering__\\
__[Department of Electrical Power Engineering|http://k315.feld.cvut.cz]
[Faculty of Electrical Engineering|http://www.feld.cvut.cz], [CTU|http://www.cvut.cz]__.
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!!Welcome to the pages of the %%(color:red) PowerWiki%% server dedicated to Electrical power engineering\\
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__Main purpose of this server is to provide support to the students and employees of K13115 department as a knowledge portal.__
[Department of Electrical Power Engineering|http://k315.feld.cvut.cz] [Faculty of Electrical Engineering|http://www.feld.cvut.cz] [CTU|http://www.cvut.cz].
[{Table style:'border-style: solid; border-color:#FFFFFF' dataStyle:'border-style: solid; border-color:#FFFFFF'
|%%() [{Image src='Pics/HP.jpg'}~][{nbsp count='1'}~] %% | [{nbsp count='5'}~] | %%()
__Electric Energy Utilization__ : [Elektrotepelná technika|Teplo]\\
__Electric Energy Production__\\
__Electric Energy Transmission and Distribution __ : [Rozvod|Rozvod]\\
__Applications of High Voltages__ : [Napětí|Napeti]\\
__Control of Power Engineering Systems__ : [Energetické hospodářství|EnergetickeHospodarstvi]\\
__Mathematic solver__ [''MATHEMATICA''|Math]\\
__Mathematic solver__ [''MATLAB''|Matlab]
%% }]
__Main purpose of this server is to provide support to the students and employees of K315 department as a knowledge portal.__
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* [rozcestník vědecko-výzkumných projektů souvisejících s elektrotepelnou technikou|Projekty]
*[Akce, dokumenty, odkazy...|Jine]
*[Diskuzní fórum PowerWiki|forum]
* rozcestník vědecko-výzkumných projektů
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