Kdo se směje v pátek, bude plakat v neděli.
-- Racine

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Prof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc.


E-mail: doleze@fel.cvut.cz
Místnost: T2:B3-345
Tel.: +420 2 2435 3941
Fax: +420 233 337 556


  • May 1973 degree (with honors) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, at the Department of Generation and Distribution of Electric Energy
  • December 1980 defence of thesis aimed at the numerical solution of magnetic fields in transformers (Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague)
  • January 1996 habilitation in the domain of the Theory of Electrical Engineering (topic Magnetic field in cylindrical coordinates and its selected applications (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen), obtaining of degree Assoc. Prof.
  • November 2000 professorship at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, in the domain of electrical power engineering, obtaining of degree Prof.

Jobs and functions

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Electrical Power Engineering
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Department of Theory of Electrical Engineering
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (later Institute of Thermomechanics) of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Výuka předmětů

  • A1M15PRE - Přenos a rozvod elektrické energie
  • A0M15ESZ - Spolehlivost a zabezpečenost soustav

Bakalářské a diplomové práce

Tématické okruhy bakalářských a diplomových prací naleznetezde.


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Tato strana (revision-4) byla změněna 15:08 15.11.2011 uživatelem sykorat1.